Stone housesGergeriVGER314 - A two bedroom village house on a large land plot in Gergeri€170.000Ref: VGER314See more about the propertyMake an enquiry
NewStone housesGerakariVHGER327-A lovely two storey house within the quiet traditional vil...€170.000Ref: VHGER327See more about the propertyMake an enquiry
NewStone housesMelambesSMEL308- A Lovely renovated two bedroom stone house in Melambes€165.000Ref: SMEL308See more about the propertyMake an enquiry
NewVillasAgia GaliniVAG321- One bedroom apartment within the center of Agia Galini€160.000Ref: VAG321See more about the propertyMake an enquiry
NewVillasFratiVF330-A lovely village house with a large garden within the village...€150.000Ref: VF330See more about the propertyMake an enquiry
Under offerStone housesKamilariVKAM328-Two bedroom village house within Kamilari€140.000Ref: VKAM328See more about the propertyMake an enquiry
SoldStone housesMourneVMO312 - A two bedroom village house with a garden in the village o...€115.000Ref: VMO312See more about the propertyMake an enquiry
VillasAkoumiaVA 103 - Three bedroom village house with mountain views in Akoumia€85.000Ref: VA103See more about the propertyMake an enquiry
SoldStone housesAmbelouzosSAMB 283 - Beautifully renovated two bedroom stone house in Ambelou...€85.000Ref: Samb 283See more about the propertyMake an enquiry