Stone houses
Stone housesTriopetraSTR302 - A complex of five bungalows with sea views near Triopetra ...€470.000Ref: STR302See more about the propertyMake an enquiry
Stone housesPloraSPL285 - Comprising two stone houses in a quiet village near to Sivas.€198.000Ref: SPL285See more about the propertyMake an enquiry
Reduced priceStone housesKousesSNKS309- A Lovely traditional house within the village of kouses€195.000Ref: SNKS309See more about the propertyMake an enquiry
NewStone housesListarosSLIS306-Two stone houses within the picturesque village of Listaros€190.000Ref: SLIS306See more about the propertyMake an enquiry
Stone housesGergeriVGER314 - A two bedroom village house on a large land plot in Gergeri€170.000Ref: VGER314See more about the propertyMake an enquiry
Under offerStone housesAgia GaliniSAG297 - Beautifully restored stone house in the center of Agia gal...€170.000Ref: SAG297See more about the propertyMake an enquiry
NewStone housesGerakariVHGER327-A lovely two storey house within the quiet traditional vil...€170.000Ref: VHGER327See more about the propertyMake an enquiry
SoldStone housesMourneSM176-Spili, Mourne. Beautifully restored 3 bedroom stone house wit...€165.000Ref: SM176See more about the propertyMake an enquiry
NewStone housesMelambesSMEL308- A Lovely renovated two bedroom stone house in Melambes€165.000Ref: SMEL308See more about the propertyMake an enquiry