A few words about the village...
The tiny hamlet of Orne has only 123 permanent inhabitants. For the moment the easiest way to get there is to turn of the main Rethymnon-Agia Galini road at Krea Vrisses, the road is well sign posted. The drive down is a winding tarred road amongst large well established olive trees and there is barely any traffic. Once one gets to the village one seems that every lane ends up in someones back yard, but one is always helped and guided on ones way through or past the village. While would imagine this road ends here, it does in fact carry on across to the villages of the Amari Valley. There is also an dirt road which links one to the main road down to Agia Galini. I understand that funds have been approved to hard top this road which would mean one would only be approximately 8 kms from Agia Galini. Being at a elevation of 300 metres above sea level, the climate is ideal, not too hot during the summer, but lovely and warm in the winter as basks in the afternoon sun. As one of Agia Galini's satellite villages, properties will increase in value quite sharply once the road is tarred.